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(BPT) - Can you recognize the symbol appearing on plastic products denoting they are recyclable? If not, you're not alone. While many Americans are concerned about recycling, a recent study conducted on behalf of CG Roxane reveals that more education around recycling is still needed. Nearly …


(StatePoint) As barbecue season heats up, you may be wondering how to square your love for T-bone steaks and spareribs with your concern for the environment. The good news? Science is delivering new, game-changing solutions to tackle the environmental footprint of the beef and livestock industries.


(NAPSI)—Whether she taught you how to use a toothbrush to clean the baseboards or how to keep laundry soft and fragrant (never crispy), one thing’s likely: Mom always knows best when it comes to cleaning tips.


(NAPSI)—Unused medication can sometimes find its way into the wrong hands, so it’s critical to dispose of it properly. To make that easier and raise awareness about the potential of medication abuse, and encourage people to remove unneeded medications from their homes, the U.S. Drug Enforcem…


(StatePoint) Ninety percent of Americans want to live more sustainably, but only 11% consistently do. Why? Research from Procter & Gamble conducted in 2023 found that Americans think sustainable habits at home are too difficult (82%), too expensive (89%) and sacrifice product performance (73%).


(NAPS)I—When the weather gets warmer, many say it’s time for spring cleaning. While this isn’t everyone’s idea of fun, there are four simple ways to make sure your spring cleaning is efficient and uncomplicated—and, just maybe, a bit fun.


(NAPSI)—It’s raining hard. You need to get to an important appointment. You’re halfway to your destination when you hit a roadblock. The intersection is flooded, wind gusts have downed electrical wires and there’s no end in sight. You have no choice but to return home, where there’s no elect…


(StatePoint) Plants add color, life and vibrancy to your home’s indoor and outdoor spaces and can even improve indoor air quality. However, if you are new to plant ownership, you may be wondering how to make your foliage thrive. Here’s are three tips for healthier plants:


(StatePoint) “Think globally, act locally” is a motto that everyone should take to heart. It emphasizes the importance of real actions you can take at home and in your community, while stressing the fact that every creature on planet Earth is connected. With that in mind, here are three grea…